onsdag 30 december 2009

Mac Daddy make me Jump, Jump

Hoppelihopp. Det kan jag nu. För för mina julklappspengar från gammlemormor och gammelmorfar köpte pappa mig en hoppgunga. Hur kul som helst!! Och det berättar jag gärna om i gungan, men när kameran kommer fram säger jag inte ett pip. Sådeså! //Ville-hopp-kille

Santa brought me some dough. I took some of it and made daddy buy me a jump swing. You fasten it at the door frame and then the fun begins. I talked and laughed alot while jumping, but no way I let them get it on tape. But I let them tape me jump a bit at least. You should try it - Fun!! xoxo Vilmer

1 kommentar:

  1. OMG, what a happy little guy. Looks like he is having a ball with the jumping. He can build up his legs for dancing later on, or even skiing and riding. What a beautiful smile.
    Mis you all and Happy New Year!
